120gm gula castor
120gm tepung gandum
4 biji telur Grade B
10gm super sponge or ovalette
20gm air
20gm minyak jagung or butter dicairkan
1 st esen vanilla
1. Satukan gula, tepung, telur, ovalette & air.
2. Putar guna kelajuan kelajuan tinggi hingga kental
anggaran 5 minit.
3. Perlahankan putaran dan masukkan minyak jagung.
Kacau rata.
4. Gunakan acuan bersaiz 7 1/2".Bakar dengan suhu 170C.
Chocolate Sponge
Keluarkan 2 sudu besar tepung gandum dan
tambah 2 sudu besar serbuk koko. Kalau nak lebih gelap,
masukkan chocolate emulco.
1. Selepas bakar,terus keluarkan kek daripada acuan dan sejukkan.
custard cream (instant custard)
100gm instant custard
200gm air masak atau jus oren
5 sudu whipping cream yang telah dipukul
kacau sebati hingga licin
vanilla cream/custard cream
bahan A
375gm fresh milk
50gm sugar
1 ts vanilla
bahan B
125gm fresh milk
25gm sugar
40gm corn flour
3 nos egg yolk
bahan C
40gm whip cream
1. didihkan A dengan api sederhana2.
2. Satukan kesemua bahan B dan kcau rata.
Tuangkan ke dalam A dan kacau hingga mendidih. sejukkan
3. akhir sekali masukkan C ke dalam adunan & kacau sebati.
Buat kek seelok-eloknya sehari sebelum nak hias.
1. kek dibelah 2.
2. sapukan custard cream di atas kek. ratakan.
3. letak hirisan peach atau sebarang buah (laici or longan or mangga
or kiwi dsb)
4. tangkup dengan 1 lagi kek
5. tutup seluruh kek dengan cream custard
6. di atasnya boleh hias dengan buah-buahan segar.
*kalo tak mo taruk custard cream, boleh guna non-dairy cream
or fresh cream yang dah dipukul.
Chiffon Cake
4 yolks
70gm caster sugar
¼ tsp salt
80 gm oil
115gm pandan juice (6 or more pandan+water to extract)
150gm superfine flour
1tsp baking powder
4 egg whites
60gm caster sugar
1tsp cream of tartar
1050gm santan cair (around 1 1/2 to 2 coconut)
225gm caster sugar
75ml pandan juice/extract (extract together from pandan in A)
3/4tsp pandan essence
90gm green hoen kwoe
1 1/2 Tb instant jelly/agar2 powder
Dessicated coconut
1. Preheat oven 180C.
2. Beat A by using hand whisk until sugar dissolve.
3. Add in sifted B, stir until combined.
4. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy, add
in caster sugar and continue to beat until stiff (meringue).
5. Fold C into AB mixture in 3 batches (3 times) using hand whisk,
stir slowly.
6. Pour into a lined 10 x 10 inch tin.
7. Baked for around 45-50 minutes or until top is brown.
Once baked, straight away invert tin on to wire rack and let it
cool for 1 hour.
8. After 1 hour, turnover, remove from tin and rid off crust or
skin from top of cake.
9. Slice into 4 layers. Put aside and prepare for custard.Custard
10. Combine D in a non stick wok or saucepan.
11. Cook under low flame, stir constantly until thicken and bubble
appeared. Off flame.Assembling
12. Use back the tin. Pour around 1 ½ cup of custard into tin
and level it out. Let it set a little while (not too long)
13. Take a layer of cake and lay it on the custard. Pour custard
onto the cake and make sure to fill the gap at the sides.
(In the case where there is too little gap in between cake and tin,
cut off the sides beforehand)
14. Repeat same for next layer and the last layer will be the
cake layer. NEVER POUR CUSTARD on top of the layer as that
will be the base of the cake.
15. Cover the top with cling wrap or aluminum foil and chill
cake for 3-4 hours but overnight better.
16. Once chilled, use knife to loosen custard at the sides
(please be careful you might cut the custard),
17. Turn the cake over gently on to a board and sprinkle with
dessicated coconut on top and to the sides of the cake and voila,
it’s ready to be eaten….
NOTE: While layering, u have to be quick as the custard sets fast..
Can use sponge cake instead of chiffon...Can use 11 inch round tin instead
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